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Computer and Internet Usage Policies

General Use


1.  Persons who live, work or go to school in Catoosa or Rogers County must have a Catoosa Library card
      to use the library’s computers.  Visitors may use the computers one time as a guest.

2.  Users must sign in using the Internet login icon located on the computer desktop or the Internet User
      visitor Log.

3.  By accessing a public computer, you are agreeing to abide by the Catoosa Public Library Internet Use
     Policy terms and conditions.  The Catoosa Public Library Internet Use Policy is posted by the
     computers, on the desktop of each computer and on the library website

4.  Wireless access on personal devices does not require a library card.  Patrons using the wireless service
     agree to abide by the internet use policy.  The Catoosa Public Library Internet Use Policy is posted by the
     computer bank, on the desktop of each computer and on the library website,

5.  Time limit for use of computers/internet is one (1) hour per day per person or group.  If there are no
      patrons waiting on the computer, the time may be extended.

6.  Only two (2) patrons per computer.

7.  Patron must observe all copyright laws which might apply to files, software or other resources
     downloaded from the internet.

8.  Printing from the computers is ten (10) cents per page for black and white copies and fifty (50) cents per
     page for color copies.   It is the responsibility of the user to pay for printing at the circulation desk.

9.  Any saved or downloaded documents or materials must be deleted before logging out of the computer.




Prohibited Use


1.  Use of the Catoosa Public Library’s Internet access, including wireless access on personal devices
      to engage in any activity that constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal laws is strictly prohibited.

2.  Usage that reconfigures library computers, modifies installed software, or results in damage to library
      computers and equipment is prohibited.

3.  Accessing and viewing obscene, illegal or pornographic websites is prohibited.

4.  Use of the internet to harass, libel or threaten others, engage in unlawful activities of unauthorized
      use is prohibited.


Library Assistance


1.  Staff may provide nominal assistance in the use of computers and personal devices but cannot be
      held liable for the contents or performance of the devices.

2.  The Library cannot protect the security of any personal information provided on the Internet and
      strongly discourages the release of personal information.

3.  Children under the age of eighteen (18) are protected by filtering software which prevents access to sites
      which violate Oklahoma State Statutes Title 21-1021-21-1024.4 and Title 21-1040.75-21-1040.77,
      otherwise known as the “harmful to minors law”.  As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act
      (CIPA), Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h), blocking is applied to visual depiction of materials deemed
      obscene, child pornography, or any material deemed harmful to minors (as those terms are defined the
      U.S. Code).


Patron Responsibility


1.  Patrons must observe all copyright laws that apply to files, software, or other resources downloaded
      from the Internet.

2.  Parents using the library computers must be responsible for their children’s behavior in the library.
     Children not conforming to the library’s behavior policies will be brought to the parents and may be asked
     to leave.

3.  Patron agrees to the proper care of all computer equipment, and will report any problems with the
      hardware or software to the Library staff.

4.  Patrons must not compromise the privacy of any other library computer user.

5.  Patron agrees to release and hold harmless the Catoosa Public Library, the City of Catoosa, its
      employees and boards for any and all claims of any nature arising either directly or indirectly from the
      use of the library’s computers and/or internet service.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in having library computer privileges revoked.


Disagreements with any aspect of this policy may be appealed to the Catoosa Public Library Board.

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