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Applying for a Library Card


  • Free library service is available to:

    • Those residing in Catoosa, Rogers County, or the Catoosa Public School District

    • Those attending school in Catoosa, Rogers County, or the Catoosa Public School District

    • Those employed within the Catoosa sales tax area


  • In order to obtain a library card, eligible individuals will need to present:

    • A current photo ID

    • Proof of current physical address (utility bill, voter registration card, received mail, etc.)

    • For those using school or work as eligibility, proof of attending school or employment is necessary

  • All library cards should be renewed yearly by verifying that there have been no changes in their contact information.


  • Non-residents can purchase a library card for $20.00 that will be valid for one year.



  • Lost or damaged cards can be replaced for a $1.00 fee.




  • Library cards are limited to five total items out at one time.

  • DVD/blu-ray loans are limited to four per family out at one time.


  • Books, books on CD, and non-current magazines:

    • can be loaned for two weeks

    • can be renewed for one additional two week period if the item is not being held for another patron

    • Renewals can be made in person, over the phone, or via the online catalog.

    • Overdue fines are five cents per day with a maximum fine of $2.00 per item.


  • DVD/Blu ray discs:

    • can be loaned for four days

    • can be renewed for four additional days if the item is not being held for another patron

    • Renewals can be made in person, over the phone, or via the online catalog.

    • Movies are limited to four per family out at one time.

    • Overdue fines are fifty cents per day with a maximum fine of $2.00 per item.


  • For Lost/Damaged items:

    • Replacement costs are the current retail cost of the item plus a $3.00 processing fee.

    • Items that have not been returned after 90 days will be considered lost.

    • Patrons must pay for lost, damaged, or destroyed items before they can continue to borrow materials.


  • Inter-library Loans

    • Inter-library loan requests can be placed for books not owned by the library.

    • Requests must be in-person at the library and cannot be taken over the phone or via email.

    • Borrowers must be in good standing and have valid contact information on file.

    • Borrowers may request up to two items at a time.

    • A fee of $2.00 will be charged to help cover shipping fees.  This fee will be paid at time of request.

    • Some materials may be difficult to get, may be unavailable, or may take longer to receive.

    • Inter-library loans can be checked out for a two week period.  Renewals are not allowed.

    • Failure to pick up an inter-library loan, or returning items late, may result in the restriction of future loans.

Library Behavior


  • Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while in the library, and may not leave children under the age of 10 years unattended.  Library staff will not be responsible for unattended children.  Authorities will be contacted if any obviously underage child is left without a parent on the premises.


  • The library staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


  • Patrons must leave the library promptly at closing time.


  • The following are not allowed:

    • Abuse of library materials, furniture, or equipment.

    • Unruly or offensive behavior.

    • Running or horseplay inside the library building.

    • Riding any type of recreational wheeled device on library property. (ex. skateboards, scooters, bicycles)

    • Eating or drinking inside the library.

    • Smoking inside the library, hallway, or bathrooms.

    • Being under the influence of or in possession of alcohol, drugs, or other substances.

    • Panhandling

    • Prolonged or disruptive cell phone usage

    • Sexual behavior

    • Indecent exposure

    • Not wearing shirt or shoes

    • Shouting or other loud disturbances

    • Playing an audio device without headphones

    • Staff abuse

    • Profane language

    • Public display of affection

    • Wet clothing or swimwear

    • Carrying weapons into the library building

    • Using photography, film, or television equipment on library premises without prior permission from the library director.


  • Library patrons who do not respect the Library's policies will be asked to correct their behavior.  If the patron continues to abuse the policy, they will be instructed to leave the premises.  Unruly patrons or those who refuse to vacate the premises will be removed by the Catoosa Police Department, if necessary.  Patrons who continue to violate policies may be temporarily banned from the library.


  • Library patrons will be denied complete access to the library if they are violent, use obscene gestures or language, or use the computers for obscene or unlawful purposes.

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