Did you know that the library adds new items each month? Here's a list of the newest adult and young adult books the library has added to our collection. Visit our catalog
to see if items that interest you are available for checkout, or you can place them on hold and we will contact you when they are available. You can also place holds by calling the library at 918-266-1684.
Adult Fiction
Blake, Olivia - The Atlas Paradox
Church, Wendy - Murder on the Spanish Seas
Cook, Robin - Night Shift
Daily, Janet - Blue Moon Haven
Fader, Molly - The Sunshine Girls
Friedman, Elyse - The Opportunist
Garza, Amber - A Mother Would Know
Griffin, W.E.B. - The Devil's Weapons
Herren, T. G. - A Streetcar Named Murder
Jackson, Lisa - Wicked Dreams
Kane, Darby - The Last Invitation
Karp, Marshall - NYPD Red 7: The Murder Sorority
Kiste, Gendolyn - Reluctant Immortals
Landvik, Lorna - Last Circle of Love
Lipman, Elinor - Ms. Demeanor
Lourey, Jess - The Quarry Girls
McCarthy, Cormac - Stella Maris
Murphy, Julie - A Merry Little Meet Cute
Zevin, Gabrielle - Tomorrow, & Tomorrow, & Tomorrow
Adult Nonfiction
America's Test Kitchen - The Complete Guide to Healthy Drinks: Powerhouse Ingredients, Endless Combinations
Carnarvon, Countess of - The Earl and the Pharaoh: From the Real Downton Abbey to the Discovery of Tutankhamun
Farraye, Dr. Francis - Mayo Clinic on Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis: Strategies to Manage Your IBS…
Frydman, Joshua - The Japanese Myths: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, & Spirits
Nickens, T. Edward - Field & Stream: The Total Camping Manual
Ocker, J.W. - The United States of Cryptids: A Tour of American Myths and Monsters
Ockwell-Smith, Sarah - Between: A Guide for Parents of Eight to Thirteen Year Olds
Perelman, Deb - Smitten Kitchen Keepers: New Classics for Your Forever Files
Rajan, Rekha - The Read Aloud Factor: How to Create the Habit That Boosts Your Baby's Brain
Schiff, Stacy - The Revolutionary Sam Adams
Young Adult
Dungeons and Dragons - Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual
Egal, Rose - The Sevenfold Hunters
Kitaoka, Tomo - The Walking Cat Vol 1-3
Johnson, Maureen - Nine Liars
Ohsawa, Yayoi - Hello, Melancholic! Vol 3
Young, Skottie - Twig Vol 1