Did you know that the library adds new items each month? Here's a list of the newest adult and young adult books the library has added to our collection. Visit our catalog
to see if items that interest you are available for checkout, or you can place them on hold and we will contact you when they are available. You can also place holds by calling the library at 918-266-1684.
Adult Fiction
Berry, Steve - The Last Kingdom
Box, C.J. - Storm Watch (Joe Pickett #23)
Chokshi, Roshani - The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
Daily, Janet - A Calder at Heart
Giarratano, Kimberly - Death of a Dancing Queen
Goddard, Elizabeth - Cold Light of Day
Greene, Jennifer - Hideway at Silver Lake
Hoover, Colleen - Never Never
Jackson, Lisa - Getting Even
Jessen, Lauren Kung - Lunar Love
Johansen, Iris - More Than Meets the Eye (Kendra Michaels #10)
Johnson, Melonie - Too Wrong to Be Right
Jones, Stephen Graham - Don't Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy #2)
Kellerman, Jonathan - Unnatural History
Lea, Caroline - Prize Women
Meyerson, Amy - The Love Scribe
Moyes, Jojo - Someone Else's Shoes
North, Alex - The Angel Maker
Robb, J.D. - Encore in Death
Rose, Karen - Cold-Blooded Liar
Smith, Tom - Cold People
Thompson, Kate - The Little Wartime Library
Adult Nonfiction
Chenoweth, Kristen - I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts
Connelly, Mathew - The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America's Top Secrets
Damerow, Gail - An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Backyard Ducks
Nanda, Sanjeev - Mayo Clinic A-Z Health Guide
Patterson, James - Walk the Blue Line: No Right, No Left Just Cops Telling Their True Stories
Rae-Venter, Barbara - I Know Who You Are
Young Adult
Ishihara - Doomsday with My Dog Vol
Horikoshi - My Hero Academia Vol 33
Kishimoto - Boruto Vol 16
Morino, Megumi - A Condition Called Love Vol 1
Preston, Natasha - The Island
Saito, Sakae - Touring After the Apocalpyse Vol 1
Yamamori, Mika - In the Clear Moonlit Dusk Vol 1