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Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Good news! We are moving into phase III of our reopening plan – fully open with social distancing in place.

Here’s what you need to know:

• We will continue to be open our normal hours:     Monday 1:00pm-5:00pm     Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am-7:00pm     Friday 9:00am-3:00pm     Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm

• Patrons will be welcome to browse the stacks to find books and DVDs they want to checkout. Kids’ computers, toys, and meeting areas will not be available.

• There will be three computers open for public use. Computer users will be limited to one hour per day. Non-cardholders can use a computer one time as a guest.

• A limited number of tables/meeting areas will be available for patron use on a first come, first served basis. Use of these areas will be limited to no longer than one hour per person, per day.

• For the health and safety of patrons and staff, we ask that everyone entering the building wear a mask or other cloth face covering. Staff will also be wearing masks.

• For those not wishing to enter the building, curbside pickup will continue to be offered and wifi access will still be available in our parking lot.

• No in-person programs or events will be held during Phase III.

The library will be arranged a little differently than what you might be used to, but we are excited to see you and hope you come in and see us as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.  Call us if you have any questions: 918-266-1684.

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