Did you know that the library adds new items each month? Here's a list of the newest adult and young adult books the library has added to their collection. Visit our catalog
to see if items that interest you are available for checkout or you can place them on hold and we will contact you when they are available. You can also place holds by calling the library at 918-266-1684.
Adult Fiction
Balogh, Mary - Someone Perfect
Bell, Ted - Sea Hawke
Bradford, Barbara Taylor - A Man of Honor
Brown, Carolyn - The Sunshine Club
Cornwell, Bernard - Sharpe's Assassin
Crane, M. M. - Bold Fortune
Crosby, Polly - The Women of Pearl Island
Erdrich, Louise - The Sentence
Ernshaw, Shea - A History of Wild Places
Griffin, W.E.B. - Rogue Asset
Hyde, Catherine - Boy Underground
Patterson, James - The Paris Detective
Strohmeyer, Sarah - Do I Know You?
Thomson, Alex - Spidertouch
Viets, Elaine - Fire and Ashes (Angela Richman #2)
Viets, Elaine - A Star is Dead (Angela Richman #3)
Woods, Stuart - Criminal Mischief
Adult Nonfiction
Bolles, Richard - What Color is Your Parachute 2022?
Brooks, Kimberly - The New Oil Painting
Burgess, Ann - A Killer by Design: Murderers, Mindhunters, & My Quest to Decipher the Criminal Mind
Frenes, Staci - Love Makes Room: And Other Things I Learned When My Daughter Came Out
Goitein, Laura - The ICU Guide for Families: Understanding Intensive Care & How You Can Support Your Loved Ones
Krannich, Robert L. - The Ex-Offender's New Job Finding & Survival Guide: 10 Steps for Successfully Re-Entering the Work World
Patterson, James - The Defense Lawyer: The Barry Slotnick Story
Short, Laurie - Grace-Filled Step-parenting: Help and Hope for This Unique & Loving Role
Young Adult
Barnes, Jennifer - The Hawthorne Legacy
Garrod, Beth - Blame it On the Mistletoe
Goedjen, Tara - No Beauties or Monsters
Gorman, Amanda - Call Us What We Carry
Hartl, Sonia - The Lost Girls: A Vampire Revenge Story
Hinekure, Wataru - My Love Mix-Up! Vol. 1
Patterson, James - City of the Dead (Hawk #2)
Walker, David - Bitter Root Vol. 3: Legacy