Did you know that the library adds new items each month? Here's a list of the newest adult and young adult books the library has added to our collection. Visit our catalog
to see if items that interest you are available for checkout, or you can place them on hold and we will contact you when they are available. You can also place holds by calling the library at 918-266-1684.
Adult Fiction
Bailey, Tessa - Unfortunately Yours
Balogh, Mary - Remember Me (Ravenswood #2)
Benedict, Marie - The First Ladies
Berry, Steve - The 9th Man
Borgos, Bruce - The Bitter Past
Bradley, Patricia - Counter Attack
Chavez, Heather - Before She Finds Me
Connealy, Mary - The Laws of Attraction (Wyoming Sunrise #2)
Dailey, Janet - The Sound of Sleighbells
Darwin, Alexander - The Combat Codes
Davis, Fiona - The Spectacular
Dawson, J.R. - The First Bright Thing
Emanuel, Jake - The Edge of Sleep
Frank, Victoria Benton - My Magnolia Summer (Large Print)
Gaynor, Hazel - The Last Lifeboat
Gray, Shelley Shepard - Her Only Wish (Season in Pinecraft #2)
Guhrke, Laura - Bookshop Cinderella
Hauck, Rachel - The Best Summer of Our Lives
Hazelwood, Ali - Love, Theoretically
Heaberlin, Julia - Night Will Find You
Higgins, Kristan - Little Ray of Sunshine
Hildebrand, Elin - The Five-Star Weekend
Horan, Nancy - The House of Lincoln
Jackson, Lisa - The Last Sinner
Johansen, Iris - The Survivor
Kelley, Pamela - The Bookshop by the Bay
Kerin, Liz - Night's Edge
Parker, Robert B. - Robert B. Parker's Bad Influence
Patrick, Phaedra - The Little Italian Hotel
Patterson, James - Cross Down
Patterson, James - Private Moscow
Poston, Ashley - The Seven Year Slip
Powell, Jason - No Man's Ghost
Quirk, Matthew - Inside Threat
Sager, Riley - The Only One Left
Steel, Danielle - Palazzo (Large Print)
Thayne, RaeAnne - The Café at Beach End
Thomas, Julia - The Radcliffe Ladies' Reading Club
Torzs, Emma - Ink Blood Sister Scribe
Trussoni, Danielle - The Puzzle Master
Walker, Wendy - What Remains
Ware, Ruth - Zero Days
Wilder, Ava - Will They or Won't They
Williams, Beatriz - The Beach at Summerly
Williams, Katie - My Murder
Woods, Stuart - Near Miss
Adult Nonfiction
Berry, Mary - Mary Berry's Baking Bible: Revised and Updated
Brokaw, Tom - Never Give Up: A Prairie Family's Story (Large Print) Butcher, Barbara - What the Dead Know: Learning About Life as a New York City Death Investigator
Grant, Will - The Last Ride of the Pony Express: My 2,000 Mile Horseback Journey into the Old West
Kraybill, J. Nelson - Stuck Together: The Hopes of Christian Witness in a Polarized World
Mental Health America - Where to Start: A Survival Guide to Anxiety, Depression, & Other Mental Health Challenges
Patrick, Vanessa - Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts You in Charge of Your Life
Schwartz, Gary - Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure
Young Adult
Anat, Berna - Money Out Loud: All the Financial Stuff No One Taught Us
Bayron, Kalynn - You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight
Hendrix, M. - The Chaperone
Jackson, Holly - Good Girl's Guide to Murder (Good Girl #1)
Jackson, Holly - Good Girl, Bad Blood (Good Girl #2)
Jackson, Holly - As Good as Dead (Good Girl #3)
Kao, Linda - A Crooked Mark
McCauley, Kyrie - All the Dead Lie Down
Mitsuboshi, Tama - Call the Name of the Night Vol 1
Oda, Tomohito - Komi Can’t Communicate Vol 25
One Direction - One-Punch Man 25
Uoyama - Love's in Sight! Vol 1 & 2
Urban, Diana - Lying in the Deep
West, Kasie - Borrow My Heart